OMG – How is it less than two weeks to one of the most exciting event of my life!
The Great British Entrepreneur Awards in London at the Grosvenor Hotel!?

I still can’t start to explain the utter incredible honour I personally felt when I got the email saying me & my business was up for the running! Like what! WOW! Just wow
Being a finalist has sparked off so many exciting new changes for the business and for me as a person. It has spurred me on to finally develop a 100% Ash tree tea blend. Using bamboo and recycled tree tea bags with no chlorine and or plastic. With the final stage trying to source a compostable retail tea bag! Turning out the be quite the challenge but hey

Starting a business trying to save the ash tree by talking about edible trees and how we can use them for more than air, pretty things and heating up houses has definitely been a challenge in its own right, so I know this will come exactly when it is meant to! 😊
The nomination has also given me an extra boost to change habits and re-focus to get even more trees planted. Reaching out to the Woodland trust to get help and getting a positive reply! Power of being recognised by trusted awards goes a long way. Just an utter honour to be nominated.
That’s the Spirit
I wanted to do a quick blog post before the Xmas madness kicks in at HQ, to say good luck to all the other contestants. Especially the ones in our category. I have a sneaky feeling we of course all want to win but the fact we have come this far, it has lit our spirits even more than we can explain so no matter what the outcome.
We are all winners. (Please don’t judge me on the cheese board of emotion here! haha) But to Cookies Free From, D3A Defence, Not Just TravelX, Paradigm Human Performance, SEIKK – Good luck and I mean it when I say I can’t wait to meet you personally and the biggest thanks goes to @GBEA and all our customers, friends and family that have supported, listened, encouraged, pushed, bought and helped in all areas of finding and growing the spirit that you so need to start a business but to also to expand it.