Halló or Hello everyone and welcome to Öskuhús.
This first blog post is long overdue but we are happy to be posting now.
For those who have followed us since Öskubox days thank you for all your support and still showing the Ösku brand the love! For the newbies thank you for letting your intrigue kick in and coming to look at us.
Since we launched the idea of making things – especially edible things with the ash tree it has been a journey and a half! Öskubox was as everyone that visited all based on the tree of life – Yggdrasil – and it is believed to have been an Ash tree. We already knew quite a lot about the ash tree from our University days where we took a year out to study Norse Mythology and the Viking language. However, we never learnt that the ash tree was so rich in antitoxins and was anti-inflammatory. Some even say anti-aging!!!
When we discovered this – we were off! Researching and talking to anyone that would show us the time!
Our search led us to meet John Wright from River Cottage and his best friend Rob. That is when things really took off. John sat with us and we went through endless number of books researching and Voila he found the medical report where Spain, Portugal and Belgium have been using the ash tree for centuries. We had lift off!
This was then followed up with a chat with the Bristol Botanicals, they were able to further confirm we were safe to eat and drink the ash tree!
We since then have perfected the coffee with both our roasters; Bad Hand coffee and Tipsy Cow – both of which are eco friendly and super sustainable. We have also been building up a fab friendship with our packaging suppliers Jamosolutions and we buy fully compostable bags. Our designer friends at CuCo creative then make the magic happen with all the designs on recycled paper!
Then every time someone buys our products we send a % to our tree partners and those funds either go into researching how we can protect the remaining ash tree or into planting new trees.
So guilt free cup of coffee we say…
It truly is an incredible start to something we hope will only grow! There are more things in the pipeline and due to launch soon! We will try our best to write more blogs to help keep you the main priority (apart from the trees obviously) up to date. And please feel free to spread the love about what we are trying to do. We and the ash tree would really ashpreciate it…. 😊
Just remember that life is BeauTReeful #nordicnosh #elli #ash #tree #ashapprecaited